Cigar World
Creating a Place for Cigar Fans to Connect
Moose gave cigar fans a place to connect with their favorite cigar brands–and other cigar smokers–by launching Cigar World.
The Deets
Website Relaunch
General Cigar Co.
Two-Way Engagement
- In-House Video & Photography Lab
- HTML Emails
- In-House Front- & Back-End Development
- Digital, Print & Collateral Production
- Community Listening
- Community Development
- Analytics & Reporting
- A/B Creative Testing
- Targeting & Discovery
- Strategic Planning
- Content Strategy
- Brand & Project Management
- Consumer Promotions
- Influencer & Superfan Partnerships
- Social & Digital Assets
The Situation
A gap exists in the cigar industry when it comes to delivering approachable, educational content to cigar smokers–especially those new to the hobby.
The Challenge
Help consumers find retailers, engage with educational content and foster connections with other cigar smokers.
The Insight
We dug into consumer insights and SEO trends, formulating a content strategy focused on turning cigar fans into fanatics.
Our Solution
Moose created a robust platform for enthusiasts of all experience levels, backed by a powerful Hubspot CRM database and automated email workflows, establishing Cigar World as one of the top cigar education and engagement destinations in the business.
Cut. Light. Connect.